The Power of Resistance Training

Written by Veronica Yoo

A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss and Well-being

It’s a universal quest: the pursuit of a healthy, lean, and strong body. While aerobic exercises, such as walking and running, are often the go-to choices for weight loss, there’s another component that’s equally crucial: resistance training. Resistance training or strength training involves working against a force to build muscle strength, endurance, and size. It can be performed using free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, or body weight.

The Science Behind Resistance Training

Resistance training induces a series of biochemical responses in the body. When muscles are challenged, micro-tears occur, triggering the body’s repair mechanism, leading to muscle growth and strength increase. The body uses energy during this process, boosting the metabolism and burning calories. This metabolic acceleration continues post-workout due to a phenomenon known as Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), or the ‘afterburn effect,’ where the body continues to burn calories at an elevated rate.

Impacts on Metabolic Rate

One of the pivotal benefits of resistance training is the enhancement of the metabolic rate. The metabolic rate is the rate at which the body burns calories. A higher metabolic rate means that the body is burning more calories, even at rest. By increasing lean muscle mass through resistance training, the resting metabolic rate is boosted, contributing to long-term weight loss and maintenance.

Importance for Weight Loss

Resistance training is paramount for effective weight loss. It aids in creating a calorie deficit, where more calories are burned than consumed, essential for shedding those extra pounds. It not only burns calories during the activity but also enhances calorie expenditure post-workout. Importantly, it focuses on fat loss while preserving or even increasing lean muscle mass, optimizing body composition.

Holistic Health Benefits

Beyond weight loss, the benefits of resistance training extend to overall health and well-being. It improves bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, particularly crucial as we age. It also enhances insulin sensitivity, aiding in the management of blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Mental Wellness and Confidence

Mental well-being is intricately connected to physical wellness, and resistance training contributes substantially to mental health. It’s proven to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, elevate mood, boost self-esteem, and improve body image, fostering a sense of empowerment and confidence.

Practical Implementation

Incorporating resistance training into your routine doesn’t require exhaustive sessions. Moderate to high-intensity strength training exercises for two to three days a week can yield significant results. However, integrating it with aerobic activities and a balanced, calorie-controlled diet will optimize the outcomes.

Developing a Routine

Starting with resistance training can be as simple as incorporating body weight exercises like push-ups, squats, and lunges, progressively introducing free weights or resistance bands. It’s imperative to focus on form to avoid injury and to target diverse muscle groups for balanced development. Gradual progression in weights and intensity will maintain the challenge and keep the benefits accruing.

Aerobic and Anaerobic Symbiosis

While resistance training predominantly targets the anaerobic system, involving short bursts of intense activity, it complements aerobic exercises which focus on prolonged, less intense activities like running or swimming. This combination ensures a comprehensive workout regimen, maximizing cardiovascular health, muscular strength, and endurance.

Customization and Adaptation

A well-rounded resistance training program should be tailored to individual needs, goals, and fitness levels. A customized approach ensures sustainability and progression, preventing plateaus in development. Adaptation is key, as the body becomes accustomed to the stress imposed on it, necessitating changes in routine, intensity, or type of exercises.

The Nutritional Equation

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in maximizing the benefits of resistance training. A diet rich in protein supports muscle repair and growth, while adequate hydration and a balanced intake of carbohydrates and healthy fats ensure optimal energy levels and overall health. Proper nutrition not only fuels the workouts but also aids in recovery and muscle development, contributing to weight loss and body composition goals.

The Long-Term Perspective

Resistance training is not just a temporary fix but a lifelong commitment. It promotes healthy aging by preserving muscle mass and bone density, maintaining mobility and reducing the risk of falls and fractures. It fosters a sense of independence and improves the quality of life, proving that age is not a barrier to strength and vitality.

Mind-Muscle Connection

The psychological aspect of resistance training is significant. Developing a mind-muscle connection enhances the efficacy of each workout, ensuring that each movement is performed with intention and focus. This connection amplifies the benefits, fostering a deeper understanding of the body’s capabilities and needs.


The journey to holistic well-being and weight loss is multifaceted, and resistance training is a cornerstone in this journey. Its ability to transform body composition, boost metabolism, enhance physical and mental well-being, and contribute to healthy aging makes it an indispensable part of a balanced lifestyle.

By adopting a well-rounded, customized, and progressive resistance training routine, complemented by balanced nutrition and a combination of aerobic activities, individuals can achieve their weight loss goals and reap the extensive health benefits, fostering a sense of empowerment, confidence, and holistic well-being.

Final Thoughts

In our pursuit of health, well-being, and the perfect body, resistance training emerges as a powerful ally, a tool that goes beyond mere weight loss, impacting every facet of our lives. It teaches us the value of strength, the importance of balance, and the essence of holistic well-being. It reminds us that every effort counts, every lift matters, in sculpting not just our bodies but our lives. In the symphony of wellness, let the chords of resistance training resonate, guiding us to a healthier, stronger, and more fulfilled existence.

Veronica Yoo

Veronica is dedicated and experienced nutritionist and certified health coach who specializes in functional medicine, She's a published author, nutritional instructor, WBFF professional figure athlete, and both the brains and beauty behind all that Makeover Nutrition offers.

Veronica is also the President & CEO of a BC based health and wellness association; Pacific Alliance of Body Care.