Inositol and Hair Growth

Written by Veronica Yoo


Beautiful and lustrous hair has always been an admired attribute, with both men and women valuing its significance in personal aesthetics. Hair loss, thinning, and lack of vitality can be distressing, affecting self-confidence and overall well-being. While numerous factors contribute to hair health, one powerful natural compound that has gained attention in recent years for its potential benefits is inositol. In this blog, we will explore inositol and its role in promoting hair growth, along with other remarkable health advantages it offers.

Understanding Inositol

Inositol is a naturally occurring compound classified as a carbohydrate and often referred to as a vitamin-like substance, although it is not a true vitamin. It belongs to the B-vitamin family, and its chemical structure is similar to glucose. Inositol is abundant in nature and can be found in various food sources, such as fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains.

There are several forms of inositol, with myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol being the most common and biologically active ones. Myo-inositol is known for its extensive benefits and is the focus of much research.

Hair Growth and Inositol

The connection between inositol and hair growth has gained traction, and it has piqued the interest of both scientists and individuals seeking effective hair care solutions. Several studies have explored the potential of inositol in combating hair loss and promoting hair regrowth. Let’s delve into the mechanisms that make inositol beneficial for hair health:

  1. Nourishing the Hair Follicles: Inositol plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of hair follicles, the tiny structures from which hair grows. Adequate inositol levels are believed to enhance the microcirculation around hair follicles, ensuring a steady supply of nutrients and oxygen, which are essential for optimal hair growth.
  2. Strengthening Hair Structure: The structural integrity of hair strands is vital for preventing breakage and split ends. Inositol may help in strengthening the hair shafts, making them less prone to damage, resulting in healthier-looking hair.
  3. Hormonal Balance: Hormonal imbalances, such as those caused by conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can contribute to hair loss. Myo-inositol has been studied for its potential to regulate hormones like insulin and androgens, which might indirectly influence hair growth.
  4. Reducing Oxidative Stress: Inositol is known for its antioxidant properties, which can help combat oxidative stress in the scalp and hair follicles. Reducing oxidative stress can create a more favorable environment for hair growth.

Scientific Studies

Several studies have investigated the relationship between inositol and hair growth, particularly in conditions like PCOS and alopecia. One study published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences (2016) found that myo-inositol supplementation, in combination with folic acid, resulted in significant hair growth improvements in women with PCOS-related hair loss.

Another study, published in the Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research (2017), explored the impact of inositol supplements on patients with telogen effluvium, a condition characterized by excessive hair shedding. The study reported notable improvements in hair regrowth and density after inositol supplementation.

While the results are promising, it’s essential to note that individual responses to inositol may vary, and more research is needed to fully understand its efficacy in promoting hair growth.

Other Health Benefits of Inositol

Beyond its potential impact on hair health, inositol offers a range of other health benefits:

  1. Mental Health Support: Inositol has been studied for its positive effects on mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. It is believed to influence neurotransmitter activity and may help alleviate symptoms associated with these disorders.
  2. Regulation of Blood Sugar: Myo-inositol has been researched for its role in improving insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation, making it potentially beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
  3. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Management: Inositol, particularly myo-inositol, has shown promise in managing PCOS symptoms, including irregular menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances.
  4. Cardiovascular Health: Inositol may contribute to maintaining cardiovascular health by supporting healthy blood vessels and cholesterol levels.


Inositol is a fascinating natural compound with a diverse range of potential health benefits, including its positive effects on hair growth and overall hair health. While research on inositol’s impact on hair growth is still in its early stages, existing studies provide promising results. However, it’s crucial to remember that individual responses can vary, and further research is necessary to solidify its effectiveness.

Incorporating inositol-rich foods into one’s diet or considering supplementation under the guidance of a healthcare professional might be a step towards maintaining healthy hair and reaping the other potential advantages of this remarkable compound. As with any health-related endeavor, a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management is key to overall well-being.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Before starting any new supplementation or treatment, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your individual health needs.

Inositol Daily Requirement, Dose, and Food Sources

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Veronica Yoo

Veronica is dedicated and experienced nutritionist and certified health coach who specializes in functional medicine, She's a published author, nutritional instructor, WBFF professional figure athlete, and both the brains and beauty behind all that Makeover Nutrition offers.

Veronica is also the President & CEO of a BC based health and wellness association; Pacific Alliance of Body Care.