
Coconut Yogurt

Experience the creamy delight of homemade plain coconut yogurt. With just two ingredients—rich coconut milk and a dash of probiotics—you can create a velvety, dairy-free yogurt that’s perfect for a wholesome breakfast or a versatile ingredient in various recipes. Follow this simple recipe and embrace the goodness of homemade goodness.


  • 2 cans (800ml) of full-fat coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons of yogurt starter or 2 probiotic capsules


  1. Start by sterilizing all utensils and equipment that will come in contact with the coconut milk to maintain cleanliness.
  2. In a saucepan, gently heat the coconut milk over medium heat until it reaches a temperature of about 110°F (43°C). Use a kitchen thermometer to check the temperature.
  3. Once the coconut milk has reached the desired temperature, remove it from the heat and let it cool down to around 105°F (40°C).
  4. Open the probiotic capsules (if using) and empty the contents into a small bowl. If using yogurt starter, measure out the recommended amount according to the instructions on the packaging.
  5. Add a small amount of the cooled coconut milk to the probiotic powder or yogurt starter and mix well until the powder has dissolved.
  6. Pour the mixture back into the remaining coconut milk and whisk it thoroughly to ensure even distribution of the probiotics or yogurt starter.
  7. Transfer the mixture to a clean glass jar or a yogurt maker container if you have one.
  8. Cover the jar with a clean cloth or the lid of the yogurt maker, but don’t tighten it completely to allow air circulation.
  9. Place the jar in a warm spot, ideally around 105°F (40°C). You can use a yogurt maker or simply keep it in a turned-off oven with the oven light on, as it provides a slightly warm environment.
  10. Let the coconut milk sit undisturbed for about 8-12 hours to allow the fermentation process to occur. The longer it ferments, the tangier the yogurt will become.
  11. After the fermentation period, the coconut yogurt should have thickened. If it’s not thick enough for your liking, you can let it ferment for a few more hours.
  12. Once the yogurt has reached the desired thickness, refrigerate it for at least 4 hours to cool and set further.
  13. Your homemade plain coconut yogurt is now ready to be enjoyed. You can add sweeteners, fruits, or other flavorings if desired.

Note: Save a small amount of the homemade yogurt to use as a starter for the next batch. The yogurt will keep in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Remember, the consistency of homemade coconut yogurt may vary slightly compared to store-bought options, but the flavor and goodness make it worth the effort.