If I told you that it was possible to live to be 100 in good health you would probably think I was trying to sell you something, or not believe me at all. Science and the Bible point out we can live to be 100. The number of centenarians in the U.S. has grown 65.8 per cent over the past three decades, from 32,194 people who were age 100 or older in 1980 to 53,364 centenarians in 2010. Remember, genetics explain only 20 to 35 per cent of an individual’s chance of living to 100. I can never guarantee that anyone will live to be 100 but I can help you reduce your risk of issues that reduce your life expectancy.
Most of the scientific findings indicated that communities of mixed-age were beneficial for everyone. Communities that made streets more walkable for exercise, easier for grocery stores and medical care had healthier seniors. Cites offered more age diversity than urban areas and seniors were less likely to experience isolation and had more community support. Women are more likely than men to reach age 100.
A lot of other lifestyle issues will affect your longevity and the probability of your ageing gracefully including lifelong learning, volunteerism, caregiving, leisure time activities, a good career and access to transportation.
Here are some tips that can help increase your life expectancy. If you follow my column you know most of them:
Drink in moderation.
Ageing slows down seniors’ ability to break down alcohol. Alcohol will remain in an older person’s system longer. Because of this reason, some seniors can feel an increase in the effects of the same amount of alcohol they drank when younger. This can cause more accidents. This can include falls, fractures and car crashes. Older women are more sensitive than men to the effects of alcohol. May 21, 2019“Seniors and Alcohol”
Turn off the TV.
A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine stated that every hour of TV you watch after age 25 cuts your lifespan by about 22 minutes. They also found that people who spent an average of six hours a day watching TV died nearly five years earlier than people who didn’t watch any TV at all. August 17, 2021 “Your TV Can Kill You”
Sleep naked.
Sleeping nude could help you live longer. A study published in the journal Diabetes stated that as we sleep, our bodies cool slightly, causing reparative growth hormones to be released. If you’re too warm, you get fewer of those hormones. Being cooler reduces your body’s level of cortisol, the stress hormone that can lead to overeating, diabetes and disease-causing inflammation.
Sleeping nude might not be your cup of tea but you need your sleep. The amount of sleep needed each night varies among people. Research has shown that when healthy adults are allowed to sleep unrestricted, the average time slept is 8 to 8.5 hours. Some people need more than that to avoid problem sleepiness. February 20, 2018 Sleep, Fitness and Life
Move to Hawaii.
A 65-year-old Hawaiian can expect to live another 16.2 years in good health. That’s compared to the 10.6 years of good health that a 65-year-old in Mississippi can expect, according to 2013 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I haven’t written an article about the best state to live in. If you can’t move get involved in making your city or state a better place to live. This will help increase your lifespan.
Lift weights.
A study in Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics found that muscle strength helped improve participants bone density. This reinforces the idea that weight training can have positive effects on the ageing process. Stronger bones help you lead a healthier lifestyle. Older people who exercise regularly defied the ageing process, have better immunity levels, have greater muscle mass and lower cholesterol levels. February 19, 2019 “Exercise and Aging”
Walk fast.
A 2019 study published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that participants that put a little pep in their step lived longer. A 30-minute brisk walk is a very good aerobic activity. Studies show that walking promotes heart health, helps with weight loss, boosts mood and even helps to reduce your risk for cancer. June 16, 2020 “Walk Don’t Run”
Brush and floss.
Did you know that if you have problems with your teeth and gums it can affect your health in a number of adverse ways? A number of studies show that good oral health can play a major role in preventing a number of serious health conditions that include heart disease, diabetes, pneumonia, dementia, rheumatoid arthritis and some types of cancer. July 13, 2021 “Another Reason To Brush Your Teeth”
Eat less but eat right.
In the city of Okinawa in Japan, they found two reasons their population had a large concentration of centenarians. These Japanese ate smaller portions and less frequently overate.
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FRUIT————————————— 3 TO 6 SERVINGS
GRAIN————————————– 2 TO 4 SERVINGS